What is CASA?
​​A single nurturing relationship with an adult can profoundly impact a child who has endured abuse or neglect. CASA volunteers play a crucial role by connecting children with healing resources and equipping them with tools to prevent further harm. Find out how to become a CASA volunteer with today.
At least 1 in 7 children have experienced child abuse or neglect in the past year in the United States. Child abuse and neglect are preventable. Prevention includes the availability of and access to resources. CASA volunteers identify resources for children and their families to help strengthen families.
The Impact of a CASA:
Children with a CASA volunteer are half as likely to spend time in long-term foster care.
Cases involving a CASA volunteer are more likely to be permanently closed.
Children with a CASA volunteer do better in school, are more likely to pass all courses, and less likely to have poor conduct in school​.
Children with a CASA volunteer receive more services that are critical to their well-being.
Requirements For Becoming a CASA
A CASA volunteer is required to:
Be 21 years of age or older
Attend a CASA orientation.
Complete a Volunteer Application.
Participate in a screening interview with CASA staff.
Successfully pass a criminal background check and provide documentation of a safe driving record.
Attend all training sessions and scheduled court tours.
Participate in a swearing-in ceremony conducted by the presiding County Juvenile Court Judge, where you become an officer of the court and mandated child abuse reporter​
Once sworn in by the court, as a CASA volunteer, you now will:
Spend quality time with the child/children you are appointed to
Participate in case meetings and review case files.
Submit a court report and present your recommendations to the judge in the courtroom.
When you volunteer for CASA, you give hope to a child who has been the victim of abuse or neglect. Become a volunteer Advocate, help with fundraising, work with others planning an event, or volunteer in the office.
CASA® Volunteers have two primary goals:
1) To ensure that a child’s needs are being met while in foster care (under the court’s jurisdiction); and
2) To advocate for permanency on behalf of a child.
CASA Volunteers visit their children, attend court and Family Support Team meetings, and visit with people who know the child.
The information that the volunteer learns is then submitted to the presiding Judge on the child’s case, in the form of a court reporter, to help inform the court about a child’s wishes and well-being.
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